Both the Kapoor brothers, Shammi Kapoor and Shashi Kapoor were admitted in two different hospitals due to age related disease. Shammi Kapoor who is suffering from kidney related disease is admitted to Breach Candy hospital and Shashi Kapoor is recovering at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital. Amitabh Bachchan who delivered blockbusters like Shaan, Suhaag, Deewar, Imaan Dharam, Trishul etc with Shammi Kapoor paid a visit to both the Kapoor scions.
Big B tweeted after visiting both of them, "went to visit Shashi Kapoor in hospital and pained to see him in such condition...prayers for him please."
He also mentioned about the visit to Shammi Kapoor on his blog as he wrote, "I have been to visit Shammi Kapoor in hospital. He is unwell, in a different hospital. He was his most charming self as always and joked and laughed over his condition."
We wish speedy recovery to both the veteran actors.
Big B tweeted after visiting both of them, "went to visit Shashi Kapoor in hospital and pained to see him in such condition...prayers for him please."
He also mentioned about the visit to Shammi Kapoor on his blog as he wrote, "I have been to visit Shammi Kapoor in hospital. He is unwell, in a different hospital. He was his most charming self as always and joked and laughed over his condition."
We wish speedy recovery to both the veteran actors.
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